Currently in the middle of an internet chat with a friend, spurred on by my words:
Chase = Fun, Relationships = Hassle:
The following is the conversation we had:
Ed says:wise words my friend
wise words
eWok says:hahahaha
words to live by
Ed says:i always find if i manage to get a girl, it just means theres a chance i could get something better
eWok says:HAHAHHAHA thats even better
Strive for greatness.. i say
Dont settle..
Ed says:excatly
relationships are just ruts
you get sloppy
not on form
gotta keep you game face on
eWok says:think the term is pussy whipped..
Ed says:excatly
eWok says:ever read old letter u'd send in relationships..
you become different..
almost.. chastised...
Ed says:a man with a girlfriend is just a man who thinks he's peaked, a man not brave enough to stay in the game
a man without testicals
eWok says:hahahahah
tahts awesome..
Ed says:
i'm thinking about writing a book
eWok says:i think u should...
The Castration of Moden Males
Ed says:Edism's: A guide to life
eWok says:hahhahahahah
thats awsome..
do it..
i'd buy it..
start a religion
Ed says:yes
The church of Edsim and the Eternal Warrior
Ed says:yes
The eternal battle between God and Ed
eWok says:
I am God - Ed
Ed says:God makes the punani, Ed keeps hittin' that shit
yes, i'll make billboards