Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Waiting for the ferry

Currently waiting for the ferry, hangover is pretty much gone, and i've just chewed a motion sickness tablet.... wonder if i shold have stuck it under my tongue, or railed it for more potency.. cause no way do i want to be throwing up on teh way back...
I forgot to mention in the last entry, that i now have a few lady boy groupies, theres this one albino man bitch who keeps touching me when i walk past.... cant' raelly do shit about it though, cause as pussy as they look, 10 man bitches on you , would not be ppretty, plus they have nails... shudder.... The Gurls have been pretty gud though, Tash Loz, and Bonnie, all have my back, so i guess we could have a rumble, bitches vs man bitches, in the sand... wet.... hehehehehh
Realised today as well while sitting on the florr that i'm getting soem stinky fucking toes jams eh.... its almost become toe yoghurt, it that gross... well its smells somethign chronic, so gonna head back and wash me feat.. mmm looking foward to that as well... Theres actualyl a fly hanging round my foot it smells that bad...his name Trevor, I've got some logs of shit for feet... think i'll got get me a thai foot massage.....
On the more pleasant smelling side of things, Bonnie did manage to find some canvas... shes got enuf to carpet the fucking floor, and enuf oil paint to paint the ceiling... so yeah.. with all that said I gots to jet..... hopefully the motion sickness pills coursing thorugh my veins will do the trick.. i'm hoping they're motino sickness pills.. i bought them off soem dodgey guy at the pier....

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