Monday, March 20, 2006

Old Photo - My First Cray Fish.... YAY! Posted by Picasa

Spoils from the weekend (Bryans Chilly Bin) Posted by Picasa

My Packy.... Not quite as big as the others, but one of the biggest i've caught Posted by Picasa

Tims Red Posted by Picasa

Big Cray!!! Posted by Picasa

Biggest Cray I've ever seen Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 13, 2006

Diving in the weekend...

Monday morning... start work today.... yeah... so i went diving monday;) lol, 97th and 98th Dive... so my dives this coming weekend will be dive 100th, which will mean my naked dive... screwed if i'm gonna do my naked dive in new zealand.. i can just imagine my man bits sucking back like a sea anonome and never poping its head out again... so definitely the naked dive is out...
However as the plan stands at the moment the 100th dive will be a cray dive... so i guess that'll be good enough, well it'll be good enough if i get my self a cray;)
Anyway the gym is calling... and i really need to get into a pattern of wake up, Gym, and work;)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Another Day....

Wednesday Morning:

Think i need to achieve something today, its been a while since I've done that... lol.. actually I lie, I actually tided my 'studio' space... which really means i organised the shit on my desk, the cables, the dvds, blah blah blah...

#1 Go to the Gym
#2 Go to Uni
#3 Accept Job from James
- dicuss conditions i guess, now when would be the polite time to call...
0800 - Isn't good for me, cause i've only just woken up
0900 - Probably a good time to call.. but when you've just 'started' work, maybe a bit tooo eager...
1000 - I'm gonna go with 9:45, 10, just seams tooo late, and 9:30 feels very planned.. lateness,, I dunno... lol

yeah i think thats what i've got on my list sooo far....might even go to underwaterhockey, but really not feeling it right now, can't blame me though it still 8:00am, early days.. ... (a good sign that piss all will be done today...)

Anyway for the sake of the overal credibility of content on the internet, i think next time i write in this blog, something will have happend in my life... lol
such a weird mood today, mite be the fact thats its autumn and overcast... but yeah... having regrets..

Monday, March 06, 2006


So i'm currently unemployed... I spend 3 hours at uni a week... one has to wonder what i'm dooing wiht my life.. I think thats just the substance abuse talking.. but when you put it shit like this... for everyone to see, for me to see, it makes me realise that I"m not really doing much with my life, but farting around in my room... which really smells.. shit its horrible in my room.. poo particles everywhere....
Anyway... think i'm over my post-thailand depression thing, gotta start planning the ol' life thing, and start getting serious bout things.. been actually quite excited bout the prospect of actually having money, being able to pay for my own petrol, being able to save for a house, thought it would be quite daunting, but shit.. having money would be great....

Time to list the things I could do with my money:
Go on dive trips... weekly;) and afford them
Pay of my student loan (wank wank)
Get drunk in town (wank wank)
Go to events once a month;)
Make monthly missions to Australia... that would be fun...
Make Yearly trips to thailand... that would be amazing!!!
Pay for my Dive Instructors Training...
Buy a laptop...
Pay Taxes... (alrite.... had to stick in a shit thing.. this list was getting me really excited)

Anywhooo... thats my list of shit to do when and i do get money... but till then.. its lets do FUCKALL in my room... lol...

Since we're into lists... i mite as well do my New years resolutions for this year:
#1 Learn Cantonese
#2 Stop living secret lives....
#3 Get abs;) <=== its an old one, but a good one..
#4 Get my Dive Instructors Ticket;)
#5 Go camping at least once every 3 months
#6 Make a Bazillion Dollars;) ---- Aim for the moon and land among the stars I say...