Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Another Day....

Wednesday Morning:

Think i need to achieve something today, its been a while since I've done that... lol.. actually I lie, I actually tided my 'studio' space... which really means i organised the shit on my desk, the cables, the dvds, blah blah blah...

#1 Go to the Gym
#2 Go to Uni
#3 Accept Job from James
- dicuss conditions i guess, now when would be the polite time to call...
0800 - Isn't good for me, cause i've only just woken up
0900 - Probably a good time to call.. but when you've just 'started' work, maybe a bit tooo eager...
1000 - I'm gonna go with 9:45, 10, just seams tooo late, and 9:30 feels very planned.. lateness,, I dunno... lol

yeah i think thats what i've got on my list sooo far....might even go to underwaterhockey, but really not feeling it right now, can't blame me though it still 8:00am, early days.. ... (a good sign that piss all will be done today...)

Anyway for the sake of the overal credibility of content on the internet, i think next time i write in this blog, something will have happend in my life... lol
such a weird mood today, mite be the fact thats its autumn and overcast... but yeah... having regrets..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have wayyyyy too much time on your hands dude. Come be my assistant (aka bitch) on the Durex account...
