Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The All important Contact Blog

Soooo if the shit hits the fan.... text +6421 pale ho (rick has his fone on roaming - I have a thai number now)


SWEEEEEET safe journeys everyone! And yeah Shit hits the fan, get to Paradise Bungalows and Ask for Alex;)


Anonymous said...

Hey Neal, not sure how often you're checking this blog or reading the comments (I'll get a login from Alex later) to post another blog so you will notice it if I don't get a reply.

When are you coming to Koh Phangan? I managed to get roaming working on my phone, so once you get off the ferry, you can ring me and we'll come get you. (+64 21 322 221).

Else fails, Paradise Bungalows. Ask for Alex. Everyone seems to know him here. it's a big trek up heaps of steps, we're in room 9A

Oh and I lost your email, send me one at my around midnight address (jerrold at around midnight dotconz) and I'll reply with deets.

If all else fails, I'll meet you at "The Drop In" on the beach the day of the full moon party at round 11pm yeah. We'll prolly be sitting out in the sand having a few buckets. We shouldn't be too hard to find, we're a big group :)

Anonymous said...

I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link